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Witchy Wednesdays- Hyssop

Witchy Wednesdays- Hyssop

Hyssop is a member of the mint family that grows to around 1.5 metres tall. It is semi evergreen and a native of Southern Europe. It has a wonderful fragrance around it and attracts bees and butterflies to the area. It is used for a variety of things including bath soaps and pot pourri. Ancient Egyptians used it to purify foods and it was once used to even protect against the plague. Magickally, Hyssop can be carried or worn to protect from negativity. It can be added to protective sachets for this purpose or blended into a liquid and applied to the skin. The stalks can be used to sprinkle water when purifying a person or sacred space or as part of a protective ritual. Finally adding 2 tsp of it into 250ml of boiling water and brewing for 5 minutes will make a great preventative against coughs or throat infections if drunk twice daily. Be aware however large quantities can cause convulsions.

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