Magick Mondays - The Witches Runestones
Magick Mondays - The Witches Runestones The Witches Runestones also called wyrd stones are a form of wiccan/saxon based divinatory system or wiglung (wee lung) using a unique set of 14 symbols. Though very little is known of them what we do know is they were often painted on smooth flattish river stones. They are made in sets of 15, the 14 symbolic stones and one stone to represent the querier or caster. Firstly let us look at the 14 symbols Man - indicates prescence of an adult male Woman - indicates prescence of an adult female Love/Balance - indicates harmony, things going well or balance Family/Tribe - indicates the family or an pre adolescent child War/Conflict - indicates a struggle or fight Home/Tradition - indicates the home or residence Confusion/Disorder - indicates chaos and confusion Money/Career - indicates wealth or money Challenge/Interruption - indicates an interuption to life, which can be avoided Fire/Inspiration - emphasises other runes nearby, divine fire Happiness/Contentment - indicates happiness without balance Gift/Reward - indicates a gift is coming Growth/Possessions - indicates aquisition of material wealth not money Change/Death - indicates change or rebirth Each symbol when cast represents a different theme when being interpreted by the caster, but first lets look how to make your own set. I prefer to use norse magick to help, as Odin was a sort after God in both Norse and Saxon magick, but you can use your own methods or ideology. Here is my method for creating your set… When collecting the stones it is good to first make an offering to both the Landvaettr, preferably at a cairn and Jord. Gather an offering of fresh natural water or as a second best tap water and create a small cairn near to where you will collect the material. Kneel in front of it to first make the Landvaettr an offer of thanks “I CALL UPON THE SPIRITS OF THIS LAND, HAIL WIGHTS AND GUARDIANS ALL, PROTECTORS OF THIS BOUNTIFUL LAND I OFFER THANKS FOR ALLOWING ME TO USE THIS SACRED SPACE AND IN RETURN I OFFER THIS BREAD AND WATER (place some bread and pour some water on the cairn) HAIL SPIRITS OF THIS LAND, HAIL THE LANDVAETTR.” Next stand roughly central to the area you want to collect the stone and facing north or east (both are sacred) ask and thank Jord for the material you will be taking “HAIL JORD MOTHER EARTH GODDESS OF THIS LAND DAUGHTER OF ANNAR AND NOTT YOU WHO RESIDES IN THE 9 REALMS ODIN’S FIRST WILD AND FREE PROTECTOR OF NATURE I THANK YOU FOR THE USE OF THIS HALLOWED AREA I ALSO OFFER THANKS FOR THE ITEMS I WILL USE AND IN RETURN OFFER THANKS WITH THIS WATER (pour water on the ground) HAIL JORD.” You can then take the material needed by collecting the stone. Next we are going to create the runes, to do this at your altar or Ve gather together an offering of water and bread, a paintbrush, Tiver a sort of traditional paint made from ochre powder and a few drips of oil, preferably linseed oil to paint the runes. You can if you like add the blood to the tiver to create a more traditional tiver variation. If not regular paint will suffice and of course the 15 stones to paint on. Lets begin… Ok before you start the painting of your runes you need a quiet place to perform the ritual, if outside somewhere private or off any main tracks or land where you can be disturbed, a garden is preferable and is where I like the most. If inside use your magick space or somewhere personal to you, free from distractions. Once there set up a Ve or Altar dedicated to your chosen Deity, I prefer Odin but Bragi or Freyja are also a good choice as is a general one to the whole Aesir. Face it North or East. You will need an offering of water taken from either a stream or river or even rainwater, any natural source of water is preferable but if you can’t get it then ordinary tap water is acceptable. You will also need an offering of Bread and mead or if you cant get mead, beer or wine is also acceptable. Upon the Ve place an offering bowl (if Inside), a bundle of Mugwort incense or a fruit based incense like citronella, a candle and all of your offerings along with your rune material ready to be carved into and any tools needed for the carving or painting. In a small bowl pre mix your Tiver or blood solution. Finally building a small cairn near the Ve in honour of the land wights but only if outside. Sit facing your Ve and perform a 5 - 10 minute meditation to get you in a relaxed state. The next thing to do is if your outside offer thanks to the land wights for using the area, this is best done at a small cairn. Sit or kneel at your cairn and offer a prayer to the Landvaettr. “I CALL UPON THE SPIRITS OF THIS LAND, HAIL WIGHTS AND GUARDIANS ALL, PROTECTORS OF THIS BOUNTIFUL LAND I OFFER THANKS FOR ALLOWING ME TO USE THIS SACRED SPACE AND IN RETURN I OFFER THIS BREAD AND WATER (place some bread and pour some water on the cairn) HAIL SPIRITS OF THIS LAND, HAIL THE LANDVAETTR.” Light the Mugwort incense and candle and sit in front of your Ve, Recite Sigrdrifa’s Prayer “HAIL DAY, HAIL SONS OF DAY; HAIL NIGHT AND HER DAUGHTERS; LOOK UPON US WITH FAVOR, AND GRANT US VICTORY. HAIL TO THE GODS! HAIL TO THE GODDESSES! HAIL THE ALL-GIVING EARTH! BLESS US WITH WISDOM, WITH AN HONORABLE TONGUE, AND HEALING HANDS, FOR THE REST OF OUR DAYS.” (If you can do the prayers in Old Norse) Now perform a Hammer Rite or any hallowing and protection ritual depending on your magick path to defend and hallow the area. Before continuing it is also good to thank and make offering to Jord for using the earth and area for your needs. Face your Ve and make a prayer and offering “HAIL JORD MOTHER EARTH GODDESS OF THIS LAND DAUGHTER OF ANNAR AND NOTT YOU WHO RESIDES IN THE 9 REALMS ODIN’S FIRST WILD AND FREE PROTECTOR OF NATURE I THANK YOU FOR THE USE OF THIS HALLOWED AREA AND IN RETURN OFFER THANKS WITH THIS WATER (pour water on the ground next to the Ve) HAIL JORD.” Next you will also need to invite and invoke your chosen deity to the ritual area be it Odin, Bragi or any of the Aesir. Stand or sit in front of the Ve and offer prayer and offering to the deity “HAIL (DEITY) GOD/GODDESS OF (?) SON/DAUGHTER OF (?) I CALL UPON YOU TO COME TO THIS HALLOWED PLACE, AND WATCH OVER THIS RITUAL IN YOUR NAME IN RETURN I OFFER THIS BREAD AND MEAD (place bread and pour mead on the ground, not where Jord offering is, or if inside into offering bowl) HAIL (DEITY).” Ok we are now ready to begin, whilst standing at your Ve pick up your first piece of material and your chosen method of painting tool. Begin to paint your rune shape onto the material, as you do focus on the intent of the rune. Once completed drop them into a bag or leave on the Ve to dry for a while, once dry and When all the runes have been completed drop them into a cloth bag and wrap the whole lot in black material ask for the invoked deity to Protect and empower the runes “HAIL (DEITY) GOD/GODDESS OF (?) SON/DAUGHTER OF (?) I OFFER THANKS FOR YOUR PRESCENCE AT THIS HALLOWED GROUND AND FOR WATCHING OVER THIS RITUAL IN YOUR NAME I ALSO ASK FOR YOU TO EMPOWER AND PROTECT THESE RUNES HAIL (DEITY).” Begin to close down the ritual as you have already thanked the deity finish by first thanking Jord, Keep facing the Ve and thank Jord “HAIL JORD MOTHER EARTH GODDESS OF THIS LAND DAUGHTER OF ANNAR AND NOTT YOU WHO RESIDES IN THE 9 REALMS ODIN’S FIRST WILD AND FREE PROTECTOR OF NATURE I THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING USE OF THE SACRED EARTH HAIL JORD.” Remove your Hammer rite and/or any other protection or hallowing ritual that has been cast and clear down the area, before totally finishing head over to your cairn, kneel or stand in front of it and offer thanks to the Landvaettr “I CALL UPON THE SPIRITS OF THIS LAND, HAIL WIGHTS AND GUARDIANS ALL, PROTECTORS OF THIS BOUNTIFUL LAND I OFFER THANKS FOR ALLOWING ME TO USE THIS SACRED LAND AND HONOUR YOU IN RETURN HAIL SPIRITS OF THIS LAND, HAIL THE LANDVAETTR.” Now that you have a set you can begin to use them ideally you would study these runes like any other set of runes, learning their meanings and themes, once you have learnt them it’s time to start casting. Gather the stones in the bag and place the querent stone in the centre of a casters cloth or casting area. Ask Odin for help before casting “ Hail Odin Grimnir Lord of the Aesir I ask that you sit beside me and guide me in this cast You lord of runes You the Allfather I offer thanks in return Hail Odin.” Focus on the question or query given by yourself or the querent and when ready cast the runes across the querent stone. Any landing face down flip them over and any singular runes far away from the querent stone discard from the cast The closer the stones are to the querent stone the more likely and important the answer or interpretation, the more you cast the easier interpreting the runes will become but for now use the chart above to help you…