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Goddess of Love, Marriage and Destiny.


Colours- Blue, White and Silver


Animals- Water birds, Sheep, Cows and Falcons


Runes- Pethro and Berkano


“His wife was called Frigg daughter of Fjörgvinn; and of their blood is come that kindred which we call the races of the Aesir, that have peopled the Elder Asgardr, and those kingdoms which pertain to it; and that is a divine race. .”-Prose Edda.

Frigg is the highest ranking of the Norse Goddesses and presides over Love, Marriage and Destiny. She is daughter of the Jotun Fjorgynn and an unnamed mother. She is wife to the chief of the Gods Odin and mother to Baldr and Hodr, Once when Odin went travelling for nine years in search of knowledge however she slept with both Villi and Ve, Odin’s brothers until he returned. She is described as wearing a white robe secured by a golden girdle and from that hangs a set of keys the sign of a Norse mans housewife. She is described as very tall, fashionable and beautiful and has the ability to shape shift into birds particularly falcons.


Her Hall is Fensalir or “Fen Halls, which stands in an unknown marshland,little else is known,”she has more than 10 handmaidens including goddesses such as Hlin, Gna and Fulla and spends her day spinning, making clouds from golden thread. She is also one of the Wild Hunt and rides out alongside Odin and Ullr.


The White berries on mistletoe are said to be the many tears Frigg wept after the death of her son Baldr by a mistletoe dart and at the hands of Hodr and Loki.


“Then, when Baldr was fallen, words failed all the, Aesir, and their hands likewise to lay hold of him; each looked at the other, and all were of one mind as to him who had. wrought the work, but none might take vengeance, so great a sanctuary was in that place. But when the Aesir tried to speak, then it befell first that weeping broke out, so that none might speak to the others with words concerning his grief. But Odin bore that misfortune by so much the worst, as he had most perception of how great harm and loss for the Aesir were in the death of Baldr.”-Prose Edda.

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