Norse Prayers: To Honour the Gods
Honouring through prayer to the Gods and Goddesses is a basic principle when working with any Deities in any spirituality, it is really simple to do and requires nothing more than your belief and dedication, part of the work however is making these prayers your own, and so writing your own prayers is an essential part of working with them. Below are my Prayers that I wrote and have used a lot, the idea being you can take these and adapt them to your own words making the dedication a personal journey for yourself and whichever deity you work with.
Hail Alfathir
Hail Grimnir
Hail Gangleri
Lord of the Einherjar
God of Wisdom and Poetry and Battle
Son of Borr and of Bestla
You who resides in Valhalla
You who is the wisest of the 9 realms
And gave to us the Runes
Wielding the mighty Gungnir in our defence
I honour you
Hail Odin
Hail Heimdallr
Hail Gullintani
Watcher of the 9 realms
God of Light
Son of Aegir’s Dottir
You who resides in Hjiminbjorg
Protector of the Bifrost
Watchmen of the Aesir
You who wields Hofund
I honour you
Hail Heimdallr
Hail Baldr
Beautiful and Brave
Fairest of speakers
God of Joy and Light
Son of Odin and of Frigg
You who resides within Breidablik
Loved by all
Fair speaking and wise
I honour you
Hail Baldr
Hail Njordr
Lord of the Vanir
Calmer of seas
God of the Seas and Commerce
You who resides within Noatun
Richest of Gods and Tamer of winds
Defender of sailors
I honour you
Hail Njordr
Hail Bragi
Rune Toungue
Skald of the Aesir
God of Poetry
Son of Odin and of Gunnlothr
You who resides in Asgardr
Friend of all 9 realms
Wielding your harp of gold
I honour you
Hail Bragi
Hail Vali
God of Revenge
Son of Odin and of Rindr
You who resides in Asgardr
Flame eyed
Avenger of Baldr
Wielder of the Bow
I honour you
Hail Vali
Hail Magni
God of Brute Strength
Son of Thor and of Jarnsaxa
You who resides in Bilskirnir
Hrungnirs Bane
Rider of Gullfaxi
Wielder of Mjolnir
I honour you
Hail Magni
Hail Borr
The Creator
God of Creation
Son of Buri
You who resides in the Cosmos
Creator of the Cosmos
Son of the First
I honour you
Hail Borr
Hail Odr
God of Summer
You who resides on Vanaheimr
Traveller of the 9 realms
I honour you
Hail Odr
Hail Thor
Protector of Midgardr
God of Thunder and Strength
Son of Odin and Jord
You who resides in Bilskirnir
You defender of mankind
Protector of farmers
Slayer of Jotuns and Trolls
You who wields the mighty Mjolnir
I honour you
Hail Thor
Hail Loki
Wielder of cunning
God of Mischief
Son of Farbauti and Laufey
You who resides within Asgardr
Father of Jormungandr
Father of Fenrir
Father of Hel
You who wields schemes and plans
I honour you
Hail Loki
Hail Tyr
The Trustworthy
God of War and Justice
Son of Hymir and Hrothr
You who resides within Asgardr
Battle God of the 9 realms
Bringer of Victory
I honour you
Hail Tyr
Hail Freyr
Lord of the Ljosalf
God of Peace and Fertility
Son of Njordr and of Nerthus
You who resides within Asgardr
And in Ljosalfheimr
Lover of Gerdr
Slayer of Beli
Rider of Gullinbursti
I honour you
Hail Freyr
Hail Forseti
Lord of the Just
God of Law and Justice
Son of Baldr and of Nanna
You who resides within Glitnir
Judge of Disputes
You who wields the Golden axe
I honour you
Hail Forseti
Hail Ullr
Friend of Winter
God of Hunting and of Archery
Son of Egill and of Sif
You who resides within Ydalir
Lord of the Wild hunt
Unbeatable archer
I honour you
Hail Ullr
Hail Dagr
Day bringer
God of the Daytime
Son of Dellingr and of Nott
You who resides in the skies
Rider of Skinfaxi
Bringer of days
I honour you
Hail Dagr
Hail Mani
Raven haired
God of the moon
Son of Mundilfari
You who resides in the skies
Bringer of the moon
Teller of time
I honour you
Hail Mani
Hail Vili
Ymir’s Slayer
God of Motivation
Son of Borr and of Bestla
You who resides in the 9 realms
Creator of the Cosmos
Creator of Man
I honour you
Hail Vili
Hail Ve
Ymirs Slayer
God of Creation
Son of Borr and of Bestla
You who resides in the 9 realms
Creator of the Cosmos
Creator of Man
I honour you
Hail Ve
Hail Vidarr
Strong and Silent
God of Vengeance
Son of Odin and Gridr
You who resides in Asgardr
Fenrir’s Bane
I honour you
Hail Vidarr
Hail Modi
Berserker of the Aesir
God of Battle Wrath
Son of Thor and of Jarnsaxa
You who resides in Bilskirnir
Protector of Berserkers
Wielder of the mighty Mjolnir
I honour you
Hail Modi
Hail Hoenir
Diviner of the Aesir
The Handsome
God of Silence and Divination
You who resides in Vanaheimr
Friend of Mimir
I honour you
Hail Hoenir
Hail Melli
Mile Stepper
God of Journeys and Travel
Son of Thor and of Jord
You who resides in Asgardr
Defender of Travellers
I honour you
Hail Melli
Hail Delingr
Bringer of dawn
God of Dawn and Hope
You who resides in the skies
The Shining one
I honour you
Hail Delingr
Hail Hodr
The Blind God
God of Darkness and Winter
Son of Odin and of Frigg
You who resides in Asgardr
Forever in Darkness
I honour you
Hail Hodr
Hail Kvasir
God of Inspiration and Wisdom
Son of the Aesir and of the Vanir
You who dwells in the 9 realms
Wise and true
Wielder of knowledge
I honour you
Hail Kvasir