Magick Mondays - Creating a Witch or Spell Bottle (The method I use)
Magick Mondays - Creating a Witch or Spell Bottle (The method I use) Before starting gather all the ingredients you want in the bottle and place those and the bottle on your Altar, as discussed before (earlier post) popular ingredients are Sharp Objects or pins to trap the curse or negativity A liquid of either consecrated wine or water or as stated in the passage urine to drown it A banishing item usually a herb like rosemary to send the curse away Any other warding items which could be charms artefacts or personal items like hair from the witch that cast the curse on you Salt was also a common item to get rid of negativity, and spell bottles would be made of the same but would exclude sharp items as you want the spell to go without obstacle. The first thing to do as with any ritual is prepare yourself, I do this by a simple 10 minute meditation. Start by breathing in and out, in and out, drawing all your attention to your breaths, notice you chest rising and falling as you do and begin to count your breaths, keeping them nice and slow and steady. Empty your head of all thoughts, feelings and emotions, and just be one with yourself . After 10 minutes you can then precede to gather what you need for the ritual. Set up your Altar to the north of where you will cast the circle, on it you will need any tools you need for your main ritual and 4 candles of red, green, blue, yellow, an athame, a bowl of water, a small bell, salt, a smudge stick and any incense you want to burn during this ritual. In the centre of where the circle will be (and if outside) you can place your fire or cauldron (if inside leave out the fire and or cauldron). At this point I like to perform the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram to cleanse the area of any negative energies. A traditional way would be to sweep the area with a besom (Witches Broom) to metaphorically sweep away the energies. At this point light any incense you will be using. Take up your athame and begin to draw a circle on the ground, around your central point, to the diameter you require and in a clockwise direction. As you do, imagine a blue energy coming from the end of the athame and creating a blue energy circle as you go. When visualising the circle you should know that its not just a flat circle but actually a sphere encasing the whole area with the line you have created as the circumference. Once completed I like to place candles at each of the cardinal points, green for north meaning earth, yellow for east meaning air, red or orange for south meaning fire and blue for west meaning water. don’t light them yet however. Next take up the spring water and consecrate it, To consecrate water really easily, take a bowl of water, regular tap water is fine but you can use spring or bottled water. Fill a small bowl and pour in salt, being very generous as salt in magick is well known for being able to absorb magickal energies and as spiritual protection in rituals. In this instance it will clean away and absorb any residual energies, be it positive or negative leaving the area and items fully cleansed. Take your index and middle finger and hold them together just above the water. Start to breathe in slowly and deeply. On the in breath visualize a white energy gathering around you like a white aura. On the out breath let the white aura flow down through your body and fingers and into the water, whilst doing this resist the urge to push the aura out let it flow naturally out your fingertips, also try not to tense up, relax as much as possible. When you get the sense of a total peace, that is the time to stop and begin to sprinkle around the boundary 3 times. Finally consecrate the boundary using a candle to represent fire, a smudge or incense stick for air and salt for earth. Sprinkling or waving each one 3 times. Now return to the centre, I usually also face the Altar or North. Speak aloud, By the Elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water Three times Three This Circle is purified The castle has now been raised Cast and Bound So it Be Move around to the east and light the candles, as you do speak the words Black spirits and White Grey Spirits and Red Come forth Come forth Come forth Throughout and about Around and Around The circle is drawn The circle is hard The Castle is Raised All Good come in All Bad Stay out When you have lit all the candles, take the small bell from the altar and return back to the centre. Face North and speak the words White spirits of the North I summon you and call you forth Arise you powers of Earth and Stone To guard our circle And all who stand within Ring the small bell three times and move to face the east. Speak the words Black spirits of the East I summon you and call you forth Arise you powers of Air and Wind To guard our circle And all who stand within Ring the small bell three times and move to face south. Speak the words Red spirits of the South I summon you and call you forth Arise you powers of Fire and Flame To guard our circle And all who stand within Ring the small bell three times and move to face the west. Speak the words Grey Spirits of the West I summon you and call you forth Arise you powers of Mist and Water To guard our circle And all who stand within Ring the small bell three times and move to face back north. At this point ask for the old gods to attend the circle. The circle is now cast and you can proceed with whatever work you are doing. Next you need to cleanse the objects by washing them in consecrated water to do this To consecrate water really easily, take a bowl of water, regular tap water is fine but you can use spring or bottled water. Fill a small bowl and pour in salt, being very generous as salt in magick is well known for being able to absorb magickal energies and as spiritual protection in rituals. In this instance it will clean away and absorb any residual energies, be it positive or negative leaving the area and items fully cleansed. Take your index and middle finger and hold them together just above the water. Start to breathe in slowly and deeply. On the in breath visualize a white energy gathering around you like a white aura. On the out breath let the white aura flow down through your body and fingers and into the water, whilst doing this resist the urge to push the aura out let it flow naturally out your fingertips, also try not to tense up, relax as much as possible. When you get the sense of a total peace, that is the time to stop and commence sprinkling it all around the area and tools you want to cleanse.Whilst doing this speak any banishment incantations you like like the one that follows or simply wish and will the entities and energies away. Ashtu Malku Ta Dat Arkata Astus Seckz Altamu Partu Ire Tempal Krez Ta Felta Vaskalla Regent Met Senturus Ta Sastrus Estos Melta Kelta Kelta Kelta Hine This will also charge the objects for use giving them magickal energies. Now take all of those objects and place them in the bottle all the while focussing on your intent, if you like you can chant mantras or repeat your intent it’s all up to you. Take up the bottle cork it or seal it then seal it further with black or red wax. Finally you need to bury this in your garden or if you can under your house or property if not hide it in a place you wont disturb it and leave it there in the dark. I also wrap mine in black cloth as well. So there it is remember if you need to end the spell place it in a fire.