Witchy Wednesdays - Angelica
Witchy Wednesdays - Angelica Angelica is a genus of about 60 species of tall biennial and perennial herbs in the family Apiaceae, native to temperate and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, reaching as far north as Iceland, Lapland and Greenland and Believed to have originated in Syria. A member of the parsley family, Angelica has large divided leaves of a glossy green and a thick stem, which is hollow and ridged it grows to around 3-8 feet tall. Among the Sami people of Lapland, the plant is used to make a traditional musical instrument the fadno. Seacoast angelica has been eaten as a wild version of celery. In parts of Japan, especially the Izu Islands, the shoots and leaves of ashitaba are eaten as tempura, particularly in the spring. The boiled roots of angelica were applied internally and externally to wounds by the Aleut people in Alaska to speed healing. The herb, also known by the Chinese name, bai zhi, and Latin name, radix angelicae dahurica, is used medicinally in traditional Chinese medicine. Crystallized strips of young angelica stems and midribs are green in colour and are sold as decorative and flavoursome cake decoration material, but may also be enjoyed on their own. The roots and seeds are sometimes used to flavour gin. Its presence accounts for the distinct flavour of many liqueurs, such as Chartreuse. Magickally Angelica root can be carried alone, or added to amulets to increase longevity and ward off illness and evil spirits.Carry a piece of Angelica root to bring strength and ward off hexes. Put the root in a white mojo bag for protection, or a yellow one for courage. It has also been used as a talisman to increase luck in gambling. The leaves can be added to baths and potions designed to remove curses or spells or they can be burned to banish evil in an area. Angelica is very useful in home and personal exorcisms. In Wicca and witchcraft, Angelica is regarded as a powerful protective ingredient. Angelica is incorporated into spells to ward off evil and bring good fortune. It is associated with personal courage Add the dried root to incenses, floor washes, and baths to break jinxes and purify the home.